Sunday, July 11, 2010


Well, yesterday, we hit the 28 year mark. That's right, my husband and I have been married 28 years. He has put up with 28 years of junkin, craftin, paintin, and re-arrangin furniture, and I have put up with 28 years of fishing. But really, it has been 28 wonderful, fun-filled, exciting years together, and I look forward to many many more.

Last night, we went out to Rockin B Steakhouse for dinner ( where I ate way too much) and then to a movie. If you like Adam Sandler and all his friends from his "Saturday Night Live" days, then you will like this comedy. Of course, anybody that knows me knows that I can't sit in a movie without popcorn covered in butter, sooo I stuffed popcorn in on top of that chicken fried steak. Today, I am staying home from the store to catch up on laundry and tonight we are going to my Mom and Dads for lasagna , so yippee, no cooking for me tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yes you look forward to many many more years of....farmville.

    someone wouldn't help me with boots today because he had to plow his crops. not joking.
